Protection of Personal Property Rights (PPPR)

Protection of Personal Property Rights (PPPR)​

People can need orders due to dementia, head injuries or other illnesses that affect their capacity. In order to qualify for orders for a welfare guardian, one must show that the subject person:

“lacks, wholly or partly, the capacity to understand the nature, and to foresee the consequences, of decisions in respect of matters relating to his or her personal care and welfare; or has the capacity to understand the nature, and to foresee the consequences, of decisions in respect of matters relating to his or her personal care and welfare, but wholly lacks the capacity to communicate decisions in respect of such matters”.

To apply for property orders one must show the subject person:

“lacks wholly or partly the competence to manage his or her own affairs in relation to his or her property”.

Make an appointment to discuss if the person you are concerned about is likely to qualify for orders under the Protection of Personal property rights act and who would be appropriate to act as Welfare Guardian or Property Manager.